Registration for Wilton Softball's Spring 2025 Rec season is now open!
Spring Recreational Softball season runs from early April through mid-June. Once registration is complete, players will be grouped by age and ability.
Options available for players ages 5-14. Register by March 10th, 2025 to obtain the best pricing.
Click link below to register:
Tentative Practice Schedules
A (7U)
AA (9U)
AAA (10U)
Majors (12U)
Juniors (14U)
Wilton's Travel Softball Program
Wilton offers a strong professionally coached travel experience for those softball players looking to expand their level of competitive play. Wilton has had tremendous success across all age groups and our program serves as the lifeblood to the high school program.
Offerings generally include the following; however, they are based on turnout and interest level. Evaluations are required for travel:
Email michaelmessina11@gmail.com (Michael Messina) to schedule an evaluation.
Beginning with the 2019 season, Wilton officially merged its Recreation, Travel, and High School Booster Softball programs to create one organization, Wilton Softball. This merger created many synergies for the sport which will benefit players, parents and coaches alike.
The priority for our organization is to provide the best environment it can for the continuing development of players to allow them to be successful for as long as they want to play the game. Wilton Softball believes this can best be achieved through a single organization dedicated to girls softball, from t-ball through High School. A dedicated organization will create a single voice for the sport in Wilton, with an aligned set of resources dedicated to the girls.
Wilton Softball’s mission is to promote, organize and support athletes in fastpitch softball development from the youth level all the way through to the high school level. Wilton Softball seeks to instill in its athletes the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and teamwork so they will grow to be well-rounded, healthy adults.
2022 Memorial Day Parade
2022 11U District All-Star Team
Show your Warrior Pride and support Wilton Softball at the same time. Our Wilton Softball spiritwear store is open for business! For every garmet ordered, 25% goes back to our softball program fundraising efforts. Most apparel can be customized with name and or number. Please contact Erin Hammock at ephammock@gmail.com with any questions.